Subject: WEIGHT: V1.0 Diet Tracker Author: Phil Barber Uploaded By: PC James Date: 12/17/1995 File: WEIGHT.ZIP (6941 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33221 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 2953 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, VBRUN300.DLL & Windows 3.x Keywords: Barber, Loss, VB, Win31 Type: Shareware This file requires VBRUN300.DLL (Visual Basic Runtime). To find it, type VBRUN on the search form that comes up when you click the Software Search icon. This program will NOT work with VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL. Runs only in Standard or Enhanced, not in Real mode. An easy to use Diet Tracking program, simply setup the program with your current weight, goal weight, and goal date. Then daily you can enter your weight and the program calculates how well your diet is going. To install, simply decompress to any Directory. Documentation: WEIGHT.TXT Download for previous copy of this version: 217